With over 100 years of combined knowledge within our Group Senior Leadership team, our knowledge of Traffic Management is unrivalled in the Industry. We have the ability to deliver Traffic Management to the agreed specification on time, every time. This gives us the confidence to say we are London’s leading Traffic Management Services supplier.
City TM Ltd has been trading for over 10 years successfully. Year on year we have increased turnover, profitability, and customer base, all while retaining our existing clients and increasing staff numbers with very little staff turnover. We have invested profits back in to the business wisely with state of the art equipment and fleet. We have also invested heavily in technology with connectivity, technology, cloud servers and a mobile based APP all being upgraded and developed over the last 3 years. We are very proud of what we have achieved in such a short time while still remaining family owned. We have though built a carefully selected and trusted Management team, and appointed a new Director to assist in leading the business forward in to the next decade and beyond.
We have regionally located operational bases throughout London and the home counties to assist us in delivering our service to this area predominantly. Our head office is in Chesham with our main operational bases in North London, High Wycombe, Bucks and Maidstone, Kent. These strategically located bases gives us the access we require to the road network in and around London at the speed we need to ensure we service our clients expectations. We have plans to expand further again with another main operating base in Surrey, and are securing new contracts weekly through our network and client base of returning customers.
If we are lucky enough to be chosen by you to deliver your Traffic Management you will be issued a project manager who will deal with you personally throughout your time with us. We believe this personal relationship with you and your team ensures we deliver the bespoke results that you expect. You will receive this guarantee from us while still having the full back up of our senior team as and when required to upscale turnover or for any particular bespoke projects required. With our group capabilities we can deliver anything Traffic Management services related on any road in the U.K…….guaranteed!!